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딱셐-녶텠ꞑꞑ텠 딱셐-녶텠ꞑꞑ녶
传真号码:딱셐-셐쑢딱딱녶 녠ꆗ뢔ꆉ:윴@ꈹ툆ꆉ휈뢔윴휈풗.ꈹ풗ꆗ
上海仁博塑胶有限公司是一家以专业注塑加工、精密模具制造的厂家,拥有研发,生产,销售及服务的完整体系, 注塑加工质量可靠,价格优惠,以“精工细作,优质产品,热情服务”为准则。公司成立于2003年,是由一批从事专业注塑模具制造、注塑加工生产的经营者和技术人员合作组成的有限责任公司。主要经营者和技术骨干在注塑和模具行业有33年的从业历史和经验,有经验丰富的模具设计团队,熟悉衡器模具,医疗模具、汽车电子模具、化妆瓶模具及低压电气模具等注塑模具及产品设计开发,配备CAE/CAD/CAM等计算机辅助设计专业平台;有专业模具加工设备18台,具备约300套模具/年的生产能力。拥有大陆及台湾产卧式、立式注塑机(45T-468T)和辅助设备近25台。在衡器电子称模具,医疗器械模具、汽车配件模具、香水瓶模具及电子模具和产品的注塑加工有丰富的经验;主要配套客户有日本、德国和出口欧美等地的合资、独资企业。本公司热忱欢迎中外各地客商前来光临指导。
SHANGHAI RENBO PLASTIC CO., LTD., established in 2003, is a company that specializes in manufacturing and processing of injection mould. Main operators and technologists have 33 years experience in injection moulding and plastic mould industry, who are professional in the plastic injection moulding and design of weighing apparatus, medical equipment, electrical automobile parts, cosmetic containers, and low voltage electrical components moulds, etc. RENBO is well equipped with computer-assistant design platforms such as CAE, CAD and CAM and so on, and about 18 machines for professional moulding processing with the production capacity of 300 sets of moulds. RENBO has horizontal and skeptical injection mold machines (45T- 468T) from Taiwan and Chinese mainland and about 25 accessorial machines. RENBO has plenty experience in manufacturing the plastic injection mould of weighing apparatus-electronic scale, medical equipment, automobile parts, perfume bottles and electronic moulds and products, etc. Our main clients are from Japan, Germany and joint ventures and wholly-owned companies which export to Europe and the United States of America. We sincerely welcome customers from China and abroad.
企业类型: | 企业单位 | 主营行业: | 专业注塑模具制造;, 注塑加工:, 家电产品注塑加工, 商业自动化设备注塑加工, IT及通讯产品注塑加工, 电气配件注塑加工, , , , , , ,,,,,,,, |
注册资本: | 人民币 50万 | 公司注册地: | 中国上海松江区新桥镇申港路1500弄14号(闵申工业园) |
员工人数: | 50-100人 | 公司注册时间: | 2003 |
法定代表人/负责人: | 主要客户群体: | 塑料行业、注塑模具 | |
年营业额: | 1500 | 主要经营地点: | 上海 |
主要市场: | 经营品牌: | ||
开户银行: | 银行帐号: | ||
管理体系认证: | ISO9001:2008认证 | 质量控制: | 内部 |
月产量: |